Wellington-Royce - The Dependable Choice

Choosing a company and their software system to run the business operations of your General Aviation facility is a serious decision that we respect. Since our software, the BASE System, is designed to completely support a company's daily business operations and customer service, we take our responsibility very seriously. On this page, you'll learn more about our company. On other pages you'll find how the BASE System can give your company the tools to support and improve your business results.
Company Overview

· Our executive management has over 35 years of business ownership experience. We understand the importance of doing good business with integrity, maintaining good customer relationships that are long-term, and providing good support for our customers.

· We are proud to be a full service software and customer support provider for the General Aviation industry. We continue to develop and improve our software solely for GA companies. Our personnel don't have to serve the needs of companies in other industries. This means you, as our customer, have our full focus and commitment.

· We are a Certified IBM Business Partner. This allows us to place all hardware, software, and installations costs into a 3-year IBM lease. This provides our customers with the ability to install a top quality business software and hardware system with very little upfront cost.

· We have been in the software development and customer support business since 1985. In 1988 we began developing and supporting software that runs on the IBM System i Server, a powerful server computer that has rock-solid system stability and performance. 94% of the Fortune 100 companies choose to run their company on this IBM System i hardware because of its reliability, even though they could afford whatever system they wanted. IBM provides that same reliability and performance in small servers that will support your business very dependably. We know our customers need to depend on their hardware system, whether they run a large multi-site operation or a single site. They also need to rely on the system to provide a foundation for all future company growth. The IBM System i Server will support your entire network while running our software. With this system, you give your company a solid foundation on which to run your business. Once you experience this level of dependability and low maintenance, you'll know this is how reliably your computer operations should run.

We have provided customer support and training for many companies from a $600 million per year size to much smaller 6-8 user operations. You'll find our company is professional, experienced, and responsive. We would like to have your company as our customer.

The office headquarters of Wellington-Royce is in Atlanta, Georgia. Our commitment is to provide our customers ongoing enhancements to our system and to give consistently high quality, professionally responsive customer support. We are a company that is absolutely committed to the best quality long term relationships with our customers. We would welcome the opportunity to have you talk to our customers about our software, our customer support, our custom work for individual customers, and our ability to install, train and support the BASE System for your company. We are dedicated to helping you serve your customers in the best, most efficient and accurate way. We are ready to help support and improve your business.

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